
Hello everyone or anyone! (?) Decided write a post after a long period of not paying attention to this blog. Made up a new category called R.A.T. (Random Access Thoughts), as a way to mind spurge whatever is going on at the moment.

Currently, going all out geek mode with Steins;Gate 0. Playing the game version and marathon it to the most current episode with the anime. Enjoying both so far. Noticed similarities/differenices between the anime and game version.

With the anime version, events can be explained through animation (duh). While happily grinding it out with the game, events are explained (text by text with voice overs). Leaving it to the players imagination on what is going on. Also, the game feels slower paced, given that its a visual novel. So far, enjoying the experience. Feels like I’ll finish the game before the anime series, currently finished episode 6. So far both versions are well done, in terms of animation, graphics, and quality.

Other than that, not much going on. Been in hermit mode for the past months and needed to collect the thoughts for a bit.  Some negative side effects include paler skin, lack of exercise, and excessive brooding.

That’s it with the current R.A.T. (Yo!)

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